At Solutiontech, We Help Businesses Leverage Platforms Like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and LinkedIn to
Dramatically Increase Visibility, Increase your Customer Base and Build a Loyal Community of Followers and Social Authority.

Are you giving social media the attention it needs to achieve your goals?
When given the proper attention and focus, social media can take your business to new heights. Online social networks, such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube, and blogs, are all highly personal communications tools that need to be integrated with your overall marketing and operational strategy. Unfortunately, many business houses do not have the time or resources to plan an effective social strategy, let alone follow through on the day-to-day activities needed to execute it.

The vast numbers of people using Facebook, both personally and for business, has made having a Facebook brand page a requirement for all businesses; but just creating a simple page is no longer enough. Your Facebook page needs to be optimized to engage both potential and current customers, through “likes,” shares and comments. Engaging your businesses’ potential audience through Facebook is a guaranteed way to increase sales and ROI.
Most businesses encounter an issue translating Facebook into increased profit. The most important way that Facebook can increase your ROI is by establishing a level of trust in your potential consumers. Studies show that when people have “liked” a business page on Facebook, they are more likely to use that company due to familiarity.

Twitter is the most effective communicating tool a company can utilize. The best aspect of Twitter, for both large and small business owners, is the direct, constant communication that Twitter offers. Twitter encourages more of a dialogue than Facebook, and because of this ongoing dialogue, it has developed into the most effective communicating tool a company can utilize. Both customers and business owners are able to contact each other on a simple and personal level in an effective and productive manner. This makes Twitter an easy option for each party. With minimal effort, everyone can be satisfied with the exchange of information.

With Google already being synonymous with search engines, it is no surprise that their social network promises to reach the same level of compulsory use. Google currently provides millions of people with indispensable services from Search to Gmail, Maps, Product Integration and YouTube.
Due to Google being the Holy Grail of search engines, Google+ posts perform extraordinarily well in search results. This means that if people are searching for a product, or information on a service that your company produces, it will rank much better if you have posted it on Google+, verse solely on your company’s website. While Google’s search rankings are currently influenced by Social Media through Link building, they are extremely influenced by linking in the Google+ platform.

LinkedIn is the #2 social networking site and has specific features that allow it to work specifically in favor of both small and large businesses.
“When people visit LinkedIn, they’re in a professional mindset. They actively seek insights and content that can help them be better professionals. And content from companies is wanted and expected. LinkedIn members are eager to hear from companies about new products and services, industry news, and career opportunities,” said Lana Khavinson, Senior Product Marketing Manager at LinkedIn.